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Forming the appropriate communication for investors

Gideon Franklin helps companies develop their investor relations presentations so that an appropriate message can be delivered before or after an acquisition.

Prior to an acquisition, attention is given to the appearance of a website and the corporate presentation to ensure that the first impression is positive. After a transaction, a succinct message should be delivered for the benefit of shareholders, employees, analysts and the media. Components of this messaging may include:

  • Preparation of a corporate presentation
  • Anticipation of Q&A after an announcement
  • Drafting of press releases
  • Website content advice
  • Benchmarking best practices in the industry
  • Review of topical themes
  • Rehearsals for meetings
  • Feedback after meetings

Integration of the investor relations with the M&A transaction process ensures that due care can be taken over compliance and any commercially sensitive issues.

Investor relations and public relations are closely related, often with responsibilities shared. Our focus is on developing a relationship of trust with the IR and PR teams through regular feedback and support on a fully confidential basis.